Завршна конференција проојекта „Robotics Curriculum Developement“

Техничка школа из Пирота улази у завршну фазу Еразмус пројекта малих партнерстава RCD чији је циљ израда наставног курикулума и приручника из индустријске роботике. У оквиру завршне активности у Техничкој школи одржаће се конференција са следећом агендом:

Close-up conference  agenda – 23rd – 27th of September, 2024 – Pirot, Serbia
Venue: Technical school, 22 Takovska Street, Pirot, Serbia


  Monday, 23rd Tuesday, 24th Wednesday, 25th Thursday, 26th Friday, 27th
11:00 – 11:45  


-Preparation of didactic materials, check-lists, practical exercises, equipment, distribution of tasks (TSP)

-Arrival of the Italian team to Pirot, check in at the hotel

Presentation of the agenda and forthcoming activities

Visit to newly built IT cluster in Pirot (Osvezenje and SdR) Practical exercises on regular classes on mechatronics and IT department (TSP) Discussion:  Ways of implementing the manual within different educational profiles in school

Wrap-up and next steps (TSP)

12:00 – 12:15 Welcome word Presentation of the manual and didactic material as the intellectual output of the project (TSP)
12:15 – 13:00 Educational robotics in Serbian school programs (TSP)
13:00 – 13:45 Educational robotics in Italian school programs and recent reforms (SdR) Robotic arms in manufacture, overview of the manual (SdR)
13:45 – 14:15 Coffee break Coffee break
14:15 – 15:00 Summary and results of the needs analysis of the labor market (Osvezenje) Practical application of the exercises from the manual (TSP and SdR)

Next steps and plans for the future (TSP)

15:15-17:15 Social lunch

(Ext. cost 25 – 30 €)


Партнери наше школе на овом пројекту су школа Роботике из Ђенове и НВО Освежење.